Reasons to Sound-Proofing A Classroom

Reasons to Sound-Proofing A Classroom

It is a universal truth that children cannot sit silently for a moment, It can be said that children and shouting are synonyms for each other. The presence of two children is enough to make a noisy environment at any place and the classroom in a school is no exception to this. It is easier to understand the intensity of noise at the place where 40-50 children sit together. The level of noise generated by children in a classroom increases when both children and teacher are involved deeply in a conversation and learning. This, however, can be disturbing when the sounds coming from the outside disturb the interaction between a teacher and students.

Benefits of Installing Acoustic Barriers in Classrooms

The regular disturbance is enough to distract the concentration of students. With this, regular exposure to such an environment affects the health of teachers and students.  To cater to this problem the use of acoustic barriers can help in controlling the impacts of sounds generated outside and inside the schools. Installing the acoustic barriers offers the following benefits:

  1. Controls the Levels of Stress In Teachers and Students: A classroom with well-covered acoustic barriers can help in controlling the reverberation and disturbing sounds up to 80%. This helps in controlling the levels of stress on teachers and students who stay in the same environment for almost six to seven hours a day. A study conducted almost a decade back revealed an improvement in the behaviour of teachers and students staying in a room covered with qualitative acoustic barriers.

  2. Aesthetically Appealing: The classrooms in the current scenario are making exclusive use of acoustic barriers according to their infrastructure and available space. Based on the infrastructure, colour and texture of the classroom, the organization installing acoustic barriers can convert a dull classroom into a vibrating area optimized with a learning atmosphere.

  3. Pin Boards: A school is a place where a sufficient number of motivational messages, posters, artworks, etc are displayed on walls. This results in an abundance of small holes in the walls and spoils the looks of the school building. Interestingly, acoustic barriers offer sufficient space for displaying multiple messages without spoiling the looks of walls.

  4. Makes Communication Clear: Teaching is undoubtedly a hard profession. It is hard to keep a group of students silent and make them focus on their studies. The sounds coming from outside are like petrol on the fire. Installing acoustic barriers helps in controlling the impacts of sounds and creating a learning atmosphere inside the classroom by making clearer communication.

Bottom Line: Having acoustic barriers in a classroom or school comes with lots of benefits. The acoustic barriers not only offer a learning atmosphere to students but also help in offering a stress-free atmosphere to teachers and students.


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